Note to self

Sundar Sethuraman
1 min readDec 9, 2021


People won’t understand you even if you act with the best intentions
Friends will quickly show you your place
You don’t have advantages that charming men have
The world hasn’t accorded you any halo
You don’t have greek god looks or a chiselled physique
Your spoken word doesn’t have that smooth flourish
Your skin is dark
Your body has too much fat
People won’t acknowledge even if you make sense
The world will treat you with casual condescension
The world won’t notice your little victories
Those crumbs of joy won’t last long
Your mistakes will be panned
Don’t expect a long rope
Even your apologies will make people cringe
Your work is your only insurance
Loneliness is your safe harbour
The few compassionate souls and your inherited privileges are your only blessings
Seek solace in them
For world tolerates you for your utility, not out of its benevolence



Sundar Sethuraman

Here to write on topics that i care about. Do read and give your honest feedback.